Testimonial – Seneca Resource Recovery
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Seneca Resource Recovery“Seneca Resource Recovery were first introduced to AssetTagz in 2016 when we were looking for a paperless solution to carrying out daily checks on our static and mobile plant. Our supervisors were drowning in paperwork, from going through daily check sheets, compiling consolidated lists of defects and actions and then filing the completed sheets.

AssetTagz provided a solution in the form of RFID tagging of the plant, then utilising a rugged PDA device. The operator scans the tag and a set of pre-loaded questions appear for the operator to complete which uploads automatically to a cloud database.                                                                                       This freed up an hour of the supervisor’s time every morning.

Once we purchased the license and PDA units, we then utilised more of the AssetTagz functionality for other tasks such as stock control, employee training records, fire equipment checks, PPE issue records, toolbox-talks and the goods received process for plant hire through our parent company hire desk.”

“Seneca Resource Recovery is delighted with AssetTagz and the support provided by their team.


Luke Cassidy, Safety & Environmental Compliance Manager

Seneca Resource Recovery

Seneca Resource Recovery is a leading UK waste and resource recovery company specialising in the production, brokerage and international export of refuse derived fuel (RDF).

Watch the Video
RFID Asset Management

Duration: 3 : 41